Fear is a funny thing. It keeps us from healing. It keeps us from abundance. What we fear we attract to us. The stronger the fear the stronger the attraction. By looking at and exploring our fears, and healing them, we create a vacuum by which our hearts desire can easily expand into.
Our body holds our fears. When we have pain or tightness, the root cause is fear. As we release our fear, we release the pain and tightness. Any injury or illness is rooted in fear. That is why it is so important to explore our fears. When you heal your fears you heal your body.
Some people say that they know the truth but still have the pain. What they mean is they know in their head the truth but the heart or stomach or knee does not. The truth needs to go from the head to the part of the body in pain or with injury.
It also works with your desires. If you don’t have the money or the job or the relationship you really don’t want it. Or rather, there is a part of your body that is too afraid to have it, When your heart’s desire is felt throughout your body your heart’s desire is on its way. Always.
When we open up to exploring and feeling absolutely anything, anything can be healed. If there is something we are not willing to look at or explore, that is often the very issue that is causing the problem. That's why a lot of my clients who “have tried everything” without success and are willing to do and look at anything create the miracles. They are open to whatever works. That’s what it often takes.
With this approach anything can be healed, often easily, including cancer, concussions, pain and dysfunction, weight, emotional issues as well as money and relationships. Everything is energy and energy can be healed.
As we make space for healing in our body, we can then more easily create what we want as there is less fear holding us back. We can thus create whatever our hearts desire. Our imagination and our beliefs are the only things holding us back.
The foundation to a happy life is a happy heart. All of the things created below were done so from the heart and therefore a deeper level of joy is felt around them. Creating what you want is always fun. But creating what you want when your heart is light and your emotions are balanced is unbeatable.
Emotional Creations often
include physical healing
Healing anxiety and depression
Changing relationship with
and calming fears around money
Healing strained or broken
relationships of all kinds
Knowing you are not alone, even
though you may sometimes feel lonely
A true understanding that you are
always ok and being taken care of
No longer being ruled by overwhelm
Greatly increasing overall levels of joy,
enthusiasm, laughter, and fun
Healing past traumas: physical,
emotional and spiritual
Getting what's stuck to unstick
Allowing greater clarity and
ease in your life
Eliminating or reducing worry
Experiencing deeper fulfilment in your life
Creating a greater faith in and connection to oneself
Learning to forgive yourself and others
Being more in present time, with less
worry from future or past fears
Processing a death and healing relationships from those who have passed on
Physical Creations often
involve emotional healing
Achieving financial goals
Weight loss
Healing health issues including: cancer, sciatica, concussions, body pain, plantar fasciitis, "genetic" migraines, tendonitis, headaches, scars, fibromyalgia, arthritis
Creating more time &
relaxation for yourself
Finding a romantic partner
Getting pregnant despite
infertility diagnoses
Career fulfilment & success
Healing injuries
Better sleep & more energy
Starting new businesses
Creating a better work environment
with co-workers and clients
Getting off anxiety or anti-depressive meds with ease and joy
Letting go of addictions
Buying and/or selling real estate easily